Thursday, September 27, 2012



There is always the temptation to jump into bed and watch TV or porn. Or waste time lingering on the balcony with coffee. Or chatting endlessly on Facebook and cruising the Net for unnecessary information!

So if you tend to give in to laziness and incompetence once too often, perhaps you should attend this course?

Organising workshop on
16th & 17th OCTOBER 2012, 9am till 5pm, Royal Hotel Kuala Lumpur
We are PSMB approved training provider under SBL Scheme (Cert No 638)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a popular book, published by Simon & Schuster and written by Stephen R Covey. It provides a useful, sequential framework for understating much about the process of Personal Development. Many highly successful people seem to have naturally developed these principles of effectiveness.

This program is about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People which introduces the concept of Paradigm Shift and prepares the participants for a change in mind-set. It makes the participants to understand that there exists a different perspective, a view point that maybe different from his / her own and quotes that two people can see the same thing and yet differ with each other. This is not logical, it is psychological. Once the participant is prepared for this, it introduces the seven habits; in a proper order.

Problems caused by ineffectiveness cannot be solved with the same ineffective thinking that created them. For more than 15 years, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has provided the ultimate in productivity training for thousands of people and organizations worldwide. By learning the power of effectiveness participants will feel more satisfied with what they accomplish each day. They will know where they are heading and discover the secrets to success and fulfilment within them.

There are 7 modules in this program. Each module is dedicated to one of the habits, which are represented by the following imperatives mentioned under the contents.

Upon completing this training, participants will be able to:

Ø  Develop a clear definition of their top priorities and the results they want
Ø  Achieve balance and increase productivity through a weekly and daily planning process
Ø  End self-defeating behavior and gain the necessary security they need to enable change
Ø  Develop strong relationships based on mutual trust
Ø  Be prepared to deal with difficult circumstances before they happen
Ø  Learn how choices based on personal experience or beliefs can profoundly impact their effectiveness, both positively and negatively (Habit 1: Be Proactive)
Ø  Develop a clear definition of what is and is not important to them by creating the most important roadmap they will ever have: Their Personal Mission Statement (Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind)
Ø  Increase the balance and fulfillment of their professional and personal life by investing a few minutes each day in the same planning process used by many of the world's most successful people (Habit 3: Put First Things First)
Ø  Build a team that finds faster and better solutions through clear expectations, shared responsibilities, and an understanding of priorities (Habit 4: Think Win-Win)
Ø  Develop the skills of effective communication that lead to greater influence and faster problem solving (Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood)
Ø  Value and celebrate differences and understand how they contribute to more innovative and intelligent solutions (Habit 6: Synergize)
Ø  Maintain and increase their newfound effectiveness by continually renewing themselves mentally and physically (Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw)

This course is designed for all levels executives, managers & directors.

The presentation includes technical concepts, classroom discussion, and hands-on exercises. Teams of participants will perform the hands-on practical exercises which allow the participants to take the theories and practice them in a team-oriented atmosphere.

0830am:             Registration
0900am:             Workshop Commences
1030am:             Morning Tea Break
1045am:             Workshop Resumes
1230pm:             Luncheon
1330pm:             Workshop Resumes
1500pm:             Evening Tea Break
1530pm:             Workshop Resumes
1700pm:             End of the Day & Certification

  1. Introduction
·         Objectives & Definitions
·         What is the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?
·         The background of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

  1. Habit 1: Be Proactive
  • Recognize how choices based on personal experience or beliefs can profoundly impact your effectiveness, both positively and negatively
  • Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (and how they align with life's principles) are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in your life.
  • Take responsibility for your choices and the subsequent consequences that follow.

  1. Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
  • Develop a clear definition of what is and is not important to you by creating the most important roadmap you'll ever have: Your Personal Mission Statement
  • Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals.
  • Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life.

  1. Habit 3: Put First Things First
  • Increase the balance and fulfillment of your professional and personal lives by investing a few minutes each day in the same planning process used by many of the world's most successful people.
  • Prioritize, plan, and execute your week's tasks based on importance rather than urgency.
  • Evaluate whether your efforts exemplify your desired character values, propel you toward goals, and enrich the roles and relationships that were elaborated in Habit 2.

  1. Habit 4: Think Win-Win
  • Build a team that finds faster and better solutions through clear expectations, shared responsibilities, and an understanding of priorities
  • Genuinely strive for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships.
  • Value and respect people by understanding a "win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten his way.

  1. Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
  • Develop the skills of effective communication that lead to greater influence and faster problem solving
  • Use empathic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being influenced by you.
  • This creates an atmosphere of caring, respect, and positive problem solving.

  1. Habit 6: Synergize
  • Value and celebrate differences and understand how they contribute to more innovative and intelligent solutions
  • Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals no one person could have done alone.
  • Get the best performance out of a group of people through encouraging meaningful contribution, and modeling inspirational and supportive leadership.

  1. Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
  • Maintain and increase your newfound effectiveness by continually renewing yourself mentally and physically
  • Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle.
  • It primarily emphasizes on exercise for physical renewal, prayer (mediation, yoga, etc.) and good reading for mental renewal.
  • It also mentions service to the society for spiritual renewal.

  1. Action Plan, Summary and Evaluation

Mr Siva Ram
Siva is a Senior Associate Consultant / Trainer specializing in Management Development. He is a graduate of Economics majoring in Statistics, completed his Masters of Science in Total Quality Management (TQM) and is currently pursuing his PhD. with University of Malaya, where his research is on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Started his career as a Purchasing and Planning Executive, he subsequently assumed several roles related to Process and Quality Control. Siva was also assigned as a Safety Officer for the companies he worked for upon completing his Safety Officer Course in 2001. Thus, he has over 15 years of hands-on experience in various capacities. His areas of expertise include Training and Development, Customer Service, Team Building, Human Resource Management, Management Development, Organizational Development, Leadership, Business Management, Managing for High Performance, Logistics Management, Quality Management and Occupational Safety & Health Management (OSHA) and etc. In Jan 2009, he has been awarded the Train the Trainer (TTT) exemption by Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB), Kementerian Sumber Manusia. His last senior role is Operations Director of a leading Malaysian Corporate.
His unique ability to combine his practical experience and academic learning has brought so much value into trainings he conducts. He develops his own training materials together with online materials to make sure participants that are trained by him will have the opportunity to learn continuously in the long run and to be updated on the latest effective strategies and approach. .
Throughout his career, he has conducted many in-house training programs, which have led to obvious process improvements in clients’ overall work environment and people management. Having personally trained clients from across multiple industries throughout the region, Siva’s clientele base consist of both government and private organizations. Please refer to the attached list of clientele and trainings conducted.
Normal Price                    : RM 1,250
Early Bird Discount       : RM 1,150 (Register before 8th October 2012)
Group Discount               : RM 1,050 ( 3person & more)
**price includes course material, Certificate of Attendance, tea break & buffet lunch.

Kindly Call Mindflex Professional Development to register or to get further detail about the program: Office: 603-33230822 or mail /

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