Sunday, April 3, 2011


The Scarlet Theatre aka Chin Woo Stadium (would you believe the transformation?) is where the action is for STYLO 2011! Presented by Mercedes-Benz and VISA, my favourite marque and credit card!

The second night, 'Interview with the Vampire', was a far bigger bang than Opening Night as proven by the million-strong crowd that heaved as one. What did you say? Oh, OK then so it was not 1 million but felt like it as I entered Chin Woo Stadium. The buzz was so thick you could cut it with a blunt butter knife! The best part? It was nicely packed as crowd control was as strict as my old PE teacher who made sure his entire class synchronised in perfect formation. I always expected all of us would be sent to North Korea to perform patroitic dances for Dear Leader as we never stepped out of line for mortal fear of his cane.
Dato' Nancy Yeoh and Kee Hua Chee showed how to do it properly. Do what, we are not sure.
I sincerely am convinced STYLO is named after me.

You heard of Brokeback Mountain? This is even more sensational---Bareback Madam!

This was my reaction when I saw Dato' Nancy Yeoh's bare back. As everyone knows, I live a very sheltered and conservative life.

When this pair saw Dato' Nancy Yeoh's dress, one wanted to do the sign of the Holy Cross but opted to make peace instead.

This guy brought a blanket to try cover Dato' Nancy's exposed back.

The hair of Iz the singer was plastered flat but became erect as he took in the sight of super sultry Dato' Nancy Yeoh.

According to this recently deceased person, the sight of Dato' Nancy's sexy gown brought him back from the dead.

As a result, the five hundred or maybe six hundred fashionistas could move easily and surprisingly quickly. I remember attending some liquor launch at Opera and it was so sardine-packed at least two women were pressing their boobs on my back and groin against my ass and in turn my groin was superglued to a flat slob's ass with body odour. I think I was stuck in that sad position for 20 minutes without moving or maybe more as I am sure I passed out.
Life's a dream scream for Ahya and Kee Hua Chee.

Anyway, I could traverse easily and smoothly from the VIP Enclosure at one end to the opposite side and back again. There was unlimited free flow of Heineken, the best beer in the world and I drank 3 bottles. We were served red and white wine too and everyone looked even more gorgeous the more I drank.
Kee Hua Chee (I am the one in red sequinned shirt and feathers) with 3 fully shirted white men. Guess who they were? Obviously not some students from Sunday School Bible Class.

The theme was 'Interview with the Vampire' as it was inspired by the blockbuster movie of same name starring blonde Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Antonio Banderas. I think there were some damsels bleeding to death somewhere in the movie too but as tonight was dedicated to men only, let's ignore the female species.
Thomas Teh the pilot offers to take me on a flight of fancy .

Not surprisingly, many turned up as they would on Halloween's Night. Yu Jin looked too adorable and innocent to be Dracula though he had a black cape with blood red collar. So did at least a dozen others. Some managed to look the part as they appeared suitably evil and nasty-looking, like mutated, abandoned creatures of the night you wouldn't want to meet while walking your poodle as they would make mincemeat of Darling Fifi.

See what I mean? He was the evillest looking man or vampire of the evening as none looked more bloodthirsty...

This one was more Angel of Death who could be persuaded to look the other way or maybe no need if the lace was thick enough..
Devilish Wilson Tan seemed happy at where he ended up. So did Thomas Teh below.
Then again, my pants had flickering flames which some insisted represented the eternal fire burning the damned but surely I was no angel of death? Below is a full length view of my fiery pants from Melbourne.

Dressing up is one thing. Make-up is another. For the benefit of clueless men, Dato' Nancy Yeoh, president and CEO of Stylo roped in Max Factor, the revamped and sizzling hot make-up brand that is retaking the world by storm all over again the way it did in the 1960s till 80s.


Anyone could plonk themselves at Max Factor's corner and get their faces whitened and noses and lips bloodied. See below...

Did he bite her eye? Aiya!

A well matched couple.

Kyle and Rozita Shuib about to be enveloped together for posterity.


This damsel not in distress looks good enough to be eaten alive.

And they are waiting...

The 6 Angels of Death (see above) stood guard for at least an hour over the coffin containing the vampire who had the easy role as all he had to do was lie flat on his, er, bare back and snooze if he wanted to! The party started at 10pm and at 11something the vampire rose and glided swiftly to the stage and vanished like a ghost at cock's crow.

Then came the stunning show by Mercedes-Benz finalists who had qualified to the final round. The results will be announced on the coming Friday. The judges would be spoiled for choice as there were so many contenders for First Prize. Just see below and be dazzled.


These leggy ones looked like they belonged on the catwalk but were guests like me.

This was followed by the men-centric fashion show created specially for this hallowed occasion so many garments had robes and capes and exotically high collars and looked faintly 18th cnetury. Perfect for the vampire and vamp lurking inside all of us!

Only 3 top menswear designers were chosen; Key Ng, William Liew and Bon Zainal who hauled in singer/songwriter Reshmonu who is known for his music and hair. This designing trio did a splendid job and I wanted all the clothes by Key Ng and 90% of William Liew's and all the spiffy jackets by Bon Zainal.

The ladies screamed at the handsome and sexy male models as this was a night devoted to the 3 G's; Guys, Gals and Gays. And of course these 3 G's covered every single person in the room! Don't you just love it! Ooooooh just look and grool, I mean drool!





Vampish, or should that be vampirish, men in a row for your picking.

Here are gorgeous guys who should also have been on the catwalk.


Armin missed the show because he was modelling at Singapore's Men's Fashion Week and had just flown in today and I couldn't model as STYLO insisted on quality.

As rumours had flown thick and fast something juicy and deliciously delightful was cooking inside Dato' Nancy Yeoh's sleeves, we waited in happy anticipation. The Chippendale dancers! Men who dance shirtless! And pantless. And in their undies only! I was so scared to lose out I went into the Ladies as it was nearest to the stage so I could do my business and run back quickly.
Announcements were made there would be no photography and all cameras should be returned to the handbags. Of course this was a foolish, futile attempt as everyone merely switched off their flash! And pretended to use their handphones with 'CAMERA' switched on!

Three white, hunky men appeared... fully dressed!

But not for long as they begun slowly stripping off the layers of trenchcoats, jackets, vests, ties, sweaters, shoes and trousers. The ladies screamed and shrieked and squealed in fevered excitement. So did quite a few men. The dancers on stage wriggled, gyrated and humped their bumps to the songs "Do You Think I Am Sexy" by Rod Stewart and "It's Raining Men" by The Weather Girls. Well, we thought they were definitely sexy but too bad it was NOT raining men as the final count remained these 3 guys and did not get any bigger. I was hoping to see 10 scantily clad men! One naughty woman poured her glass of wine over one guy and another woman (married, as I know her husband who was out of town!) used her bare fingers to try dry his manly chest! Shame on her! I was about to do so myself but she beat me to it!



I bet you are coughin' now...all the way to the coffin!
Designer Michael Ong shoves Superman aka Supermodel Wilson Tan into the coffin.
Wilson Tan had to lie inside the coffin earlier for over an hour as he was the vampire!

What is STYLO without nasi lemak? As the party began winding down, we were shepherded to the veranda to enjoy a supper of nasi lemak and porridge with all the condiments!

Kudos to Dato' Nancy Yeoh and her team!

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