Where's the Party? The party began right here in the rear!

Stop accusing me of being a Peeping Tom!

The only advantage when you are down is that you can look up and sometimes the view is worth it!

Huddling together for last minute consultation with York Spencer, Carlsberg marketing director

Yes dear, we KNOW you are hot!

Wouldn't you love to be wedged in with her? Shoes and all?

These guys thought they were lucky but my views were better from ground zero

I do get my way, don't I?

Terror threesome

They were calling for a Carlsberg

Any longer and their legs would reach the ground

I wonder if the Carlsberg bikini tops were for sale or do you get one for every hundred cartons?

Yes, these legs were meant for dancing inter alia...
By 6pm we were bushed and I straggled back into my villa to crash out for an hour but it was 7 pm by the time I entered the room as I was waylaid here and there by Carlsberg's diversions and the staff.
I slept for an hour and left around 8.30pm for Smiley Beach where the Mother of all Beach Parties was gearing up. Tables groaned under the weight of a major feast of Malaysian and western delights. Plus as much beer as I and any guest could guzzle.
The food was piled sky high till 9.30pm when the first stirrings occurred as the huge stage cale to life. The emcee Joey G started calling everyone to come to the front of the stage where there was a vast space big enough for two hundred to stand and, if desired, dance.

The stage lit up the night sky at Sepang

What a backdrop!

From left; Green Lantern, Bruce Lee and Superman
As I stared in astonishment at the stage and dazzling light shows and pyrotechnics, I begun to absorb the scale of this mammoth party; 120 set-up crew was involved in building the stage, 50 Sound and Light crew to maintain the audiovisuals and ensure the music flowed nonstop till dawn, OK, till 3am, 80 security, lifeguard and RELA members, 30 police, firemen and and ambulance members, 18 bus and games hosts, 140 ushers and game crew and 14 CIA International crew.
If the numbers left me gasping, the show floored me.

Yes, it is true, food does taste better with Carlsberg

They agree too

The special effects were actually sand being kicked and captured by my Leica

Dramatic back flip

The deejays were all sexy women, the dancers all sexy men so everyone was happy

Paper Plane Pursuit in action

Caprice the rapper

Caprice the rapper razzed it up

You do get the best view from this angle

We also enjoyed the view

Soren on stage with Caprice

Soren Ravn is Malaysia and probably Asia's coolest MD

And the hottest too!

hamming it up with Caprice

Bet you never knew the big boss of Carlsberg is also a rapper

A bit of navel does no harm

Thanks, guys

We Will We Will Rock U!

They were rocked alright

Charlotte and Maxime at it

Our girls got what it took

See what I mean

This hunk was the sexiest dancer of the night

Someone pinched his ass

With killer looks like that, he deserved to be pinched all over

So did she

She too

Hooray for the English deejays

Even her ass was hot

Being the boss has advantages

Who could blame him if his eyes roved?

Let's make a dash for the half full cup

Large green and white balls were thrown to the audience who bounced them round

Close your gaping mouth, Joey G as your saliva's dripping

I wonder which other part of Joey G's body was sweating litres...

Even Caprice had to take a back seat to this hottie

This local hottie proved we Malaysians are not lacking in the sexy department

They should be on stage

This man's getting buried but what was the other guy's hand groping?

Building a sand tower..

Fire eaters

Spewing fire

Do not try this at home

The guy at extreme right wisely leaned back to avoid the heat

Fireworks of the other kind

The big globe is Carlsberg balloon, not the moon

Glowing green

What a fiery show

Kee Hua Chee and Dato Professor Jimmy Choo

We can see your panty

More panty for your money

When you are tall, you are tall

Towering over the girls is a cinch when you are a stilt walker

If you were not so tall, you could always climb onto the music console

Now she really towered over the stilt walkers

With support from Charlotte

Two heads are better than one

Everyone is tall from this angle

Free flow of Carlsberg

Giant screens allowed all to admire the deejays

What a view

Hotter than chilli padi

No bad breath but kerosene breath instead

Joey G, Patricia K, Dato Liew of Lewre Shoes, Dato Professor Jimmy Choo and Soren Ravn, boss of Carlsberg

Where is the NEXT party, Soren Ravn???????????????????????????????????????????????????
The party started on a lively note as the Carlsberg Dancers stomped the stage and spilled over onto the sand to continue their antics like breakdancing and spiffy kungfu moves. OK so Linkin Park did not perform but Paper Plane Pursuit, Love Me Butch and Caprice made up for it.
Caprice was much anticipated and he did not disappoint. His dancers included his gf but the star turn was the appearance of Managing Director of Carlsberg Malaysia Soren Ravn on stage. No, not to give the obigatory and boring thanks to us audience and guests but to perform!
Yup, that was no typo. Soren used to perform in a band when he was in his teens and early twenties and now that he is staring at 40, he is still in the mood to groove. He produced and sang the Carlsberg theme song and dueted with Caprice as the stunned audience showed their appreciation by making full use of their god-given two hands. It was a class act.
But bigger thrills of the sexy, feminine kind was coming.
In the initial frenzy, I almost forgot about the 6 dishy, sexy and curvy babes who must be the hottest deejays this side of Asia. So I went backstage to say hello. I was about to climb the steps when I saw two of them sitting at the edge and dangling their legs. So I decided to stay put on terra firma and take photos of them from ground level.
From this angle, not only did their legs seem to stretch forever, their miniskirts also revealed their panties. For the darlings were clad in either skimpy bikinis or micro-mini skirts no more than 8 inches long. Coupled with their killer high heels, the babelicious sizzlers were shooting sparks. You have seen the photos above so I am just mouthing what had caused your peepers to stand on stalks.
The sight of 6, yes all 6, vamps manning the deejay console was a vision that bordered on the mirage and the flash of cameras and mobiles rivalled the dazzling neons that lit Smiley Beach. I am sure the villagers had pillows sewn next to the ears or more likely they were jivving on their verandas. It was something we never experienced before and Carlsberg will have such a tough time next year or whenever they decide to throw another mega party. Then again, all other parties by Carlsberg competitors will be judged by this One Party. Make that all bigscale parties will from now on be compared with the Carlsberg Party of 2011!
To heat up the night, there were fire eaters who spewed towering flames from their mouths. The words 'Hot Lips' came to mind. Speaking of flames, there was even a fireworks display, not as a finale but an hour and half before.
The balmy night caused men to remove their shirts and ladies were reduced to bikinis, swimsuits and other scanty garments as if to outdo the deejays. The deejays came to dance on stage with Soren and one even sang. But I still think the best views were the ones I saw backstage before they entered the deejay console.
Only 2 drinks were available; plain water and Carlsberg. Only heaven and the Finance Director of Carlsberg Malaysian Sdn Bhd knew how many litres were consumed and how many gallons were wasted as I saw half full glasses blanketing the sand. The beach must be scented with beer for days as the sands were saturated with the foamy stuff.
Due to immaculate planning and impeccable execution, all went like swiss clockwork and despite the unlimited beer, I swear on my ancestors' graves I did not see anyone throwing up! This I consider a miracle of the highest degree. Or if someone did throw up, he or she must have fled from the scene into the bushes.
No brawls. no arguments, no fist fights. The security people had it easy! Only laughter and more laughter. I did not see anyone passing out either.
I stayed till near closing time and was still standing when I opened my door. Drinking responsibly was the Kee word! The 500 guests had subscribed to this doctrine too. Kudos to Carlsberg and all us guests!
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