Happy birthday Tg Imran, Tg Hayati and Tg Naquiyudin and Dato Nancy Yeoh, all of whom had birthdays in March one month ago!

Tg Naquiyuddin raising both hands to clear the air and announce there was no sordid affair between Lai Voon Hon and Dato Nancy Yeoh

The best photo of Alex Quay I have ever taken
His lovely wife YAM Tunku Nurul Hayati's birthday is on 22 March.
Tg Naquiyuddin's younger brother YAM Tunku Muda Serting Tunku Imran Tuanku Jaafar's birthday is 21 March and Dato Nancy Yeoh's birthday is 8 March, exact same date as Tunku Naquiyuddin.
'Elo, they celebrated last night as in 15 April, a month later! So why the delay? Not as if April is a 50% discount month or something...
Explained the dashing and debonair Negeri Sembilan prince, "I celebrated my birthday on 8 March in Istanbul! Forty eight friends from Malaysia flew to Istanbul to join me and with local Turkish friends, there were 48 of us. We stayed for 5 days at the fabulous Pera Palace hotel."
Opened in 1895, this Belle Epoque gem of a hotel is famous across the world and fit for royalty. Tunku Naquiyuddin and his friends must have marvelled daily at the magnificent views of the Golden Horn from their suites.
Located in the lively district of Beyoglu, Pera Palace hotel attained the coveted 'museum hotel' status in 1981 for its authentic architectural wonders and timelessly elegant decor.
So while the royal party was enjoying a lavish feast and dressed to the nines in finery based on the theme 'Downton Abbey', Dato Nancy Yeoh and Lai Voon Hon were busy preparing for Mercedes-Benz STYLO Fashion Week!
Grinned Dato Nancy Yeoh, "So Voon and I missed Tunku Naquiyuddin's birthday dinner so now we are making up for lost time!"
After the cake cutting ceremony, Tunku Naquiyuddin explained, "This is the umpteenth time I have blown out the candles and cut my birthday cake and it is not even my birthday month! But after Istanbul we went to London and later Hong Kong and Australia so most of us
managed to be back in KL in April."
The Istanbul birthday bash was shown on 3 screens so those who were there could relive the happy memories and those not invited could grind their teeth. Anyway, most of the guests last night were the same ones celebrating Tunku Naquiyuddin's 66th birthday in Istanbul.
There was a belly dancer at the Istanbul party so Dato Nancy Yeoh and Lai Voon Hon artfully decided to resurrect a touch of Istanbul by hiring a Malaysian belly dancer!

I thought 10 year old Alex was going to perform...

But it was a real belly dancer! Just like the one who performed at Pera Palace hotel in Istanbul at the birthday dinner of YAM Tunku Naquiyuddin Tuanku Jaafar

Alex Quay earnestly photographing the belly dancer

This hot dancer recognised a fellow dancer and smiled for me

She looks at Bill Lewis from a different angle or fish eye view

Bill Lewis gave up his career as belly dancer

Too bad her boobs were all covered

Now Datin Mimim Baharuddin contemplates a switch in career

Easy does it

I got it!

Bill Lewis rushes to the dancer thinking she was toppling

She now has a soft landing pad

Why is Datin Raihan staring at her boobs

Even the Spanish ambassador is doing it!

She really looks up to this prince

Yes, Tunku Imran is a royal prince but there is no need to go down on your knees to pay homage. A simple 'Hello' will do!

Tunku Khairul Zaim, youngest son of Tunku Naquiyuddin Tuanku Jaafar, decides to belly dance too

Jestony rolls in the birthday cake

Dato Nancy Yeoh orders her minions around

Even in black, her assets loomed large

Tg Khairul Zaim, Tunku Imran, Tg Hayati, Tg Naquiyuddin, Dato Nancy Yeoh, Alex Quay, Tg Jawahir and Tg Dara

Happy belated birthday Tg Imran, Tg Hayati, Tg Naquiyuddin and Dato Nancy Yeoh whose birthdays all fell in March last month!

A birthday peck from Lai Voon Hon to Tg Nurul Hayati

Jestony rolls away the birthday cake

Lai Voon Hon and wifey Lisa continue their marital bliss without any third party

Come to think of it, Doreen and Alex look very much alike if not for the colour...

The best photo I ever taken

Fancy being licked all over by Doreen Malhotra? Call me, I can arrange for a small fee

YAM Tg Laksamana Tg Naquiyuddin Tuanku Jaafar and Dato Steve Day

Datin Su Wai Fun and Dato Steve Day
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