Last March Dr Peggy Wong launched 2 new books 'Living a Balanced Life' and 'Gems of Living Hope'. At RM 10 for Gems of Living Hope and RM 20 for Living A Balanced Life, they sold like hot cakes.
On the day itself, RM 6,690 was raised and anyone wishing to buy and help the underprivileged children (all proceeds go to Living Hope), contact 03-7728 5887 or info@livinghopeglobal.org
Visit www.livinghopeglobal.org

Dr Peggy Wong, founder of Living Hope Global and Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid, chairman of Permodalan Nasional Berhad which controls RM 240 billion of our money!

Living a Balanced Life is launched

A token of appreciation for Tun Sarji

Lillian Too the world's greatest feng shui author in English and master practitioner and devout Tibetan Busddhist with Dato Garry Chua
'Gems of Living Hope' contains quotable quotes and I like these two; 'If winter comes, can spring be far behind?' by Percy Bysshe Shelley and 'We will grow in our lives if we keep hoping and praying despite recurring failures' by Dr Peggy Wong.
The launch was at Monte's restaurant and bar at Bangsar Shopping Centre and attended by members of high and respected society.
These included my idols Lillian Too the world's greatest feng shui author in English which is the title none can argue and Tun Ahmad Sarji Hamid, the chairman and boss of PNB, Permodalan Nasional Bhd.
PNB is worth RM 240 billion or something like that lah since I don't access to its accounts books but rest assured it is super rich. And Tun Ahmad Sarji is the man in charge of PNB!
He is the most honest and incorruptible man. When he retired as Chief Secretary to the Government which is the highest civilian post possible, he still had a mortgage! Gosh, anyone would think he would be owning 20 bungalows...in London or something!
I think his salary then was RM 7,000 a month so he was living within his means! No wonder he still had a mortgage! Because he had never heard of the word 'rasuah' nor understood what it was all about!
So he decided he had to continue working and started looking for a job. It also speaks volume about Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's integrity when he offered the post of Chairman of PNB to the most deserving man in Malaysia.
So I hope his salary is now millions of ringgit per month! As he so well deserves. I remember he was quite mortified when he first saw me in my flashy clothes and jewels and took a while to recover before the interview could proceed. But of course, like anyone with brains and sense of humour, Tun Ahmad Sarji became amused with me since I asked intelligent questions as I am not a dumb blonde.
So to this day we are friends, not best of pals sadly as I seldom bump into him but at least he always greet me affably.
Said Dr Peggy Wong, "My book 'Living A Balanced Life' focuses on the 7 Fs---Faith, Family, Finance, Fitness, Friends, Fun and Fruits."
This is just right though she did not mention the 8th F which is 'F**k' as sex is also very important. If our parents did not have sex, we would not be here and I will still be in Heaven waiting to be reborn and all you readers would be deprived of my divine writing!
If a more polite F is needed, how about 'Fornication' which is wordy and old-fashioned enough for young kids to understand!

Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and Dr Peggy Wong

Dato Wenddi-Ann Chong and Kee Hua Chee

The sexiest couple of the day

Datin Pat Indot, Lee Siew Lee and Puan Sri Helen Chen

Michael Mantz, Lee Siew Lee and Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and her crocodile Birkin

Datin Paulene Tunku Muk'amir, Lee Siew Lee and YM Tunku Dato Mu'tamir Tunku Tun Sri Mohamad

Dato Jaffar Indot, Jacinta Lee the first Malaysian beauty queen to appear topless showing her breasts in Hong Kong Playboy magazine (good for her!) and Alice Teh
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