The 6th Mercedes-Benz STYLO Fashion Grand Prix was declared open by the Minister of Tourism Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen who was later awarded the Mercedes-Benz STYLO Lifetime Achievement award for her contribution to tourism, fashion, hospitality and lifestyle industries.

All ready?

Done! Thank you, Minister of Tourism!

O is for circle of life...and orgasms filled with organisms that create life! What a genius I am with words!

The movers and shakers of fashion

I wanted to join them on stage but Dato Nancy Yeoh would not let me

The Minister of Tourism Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen receiving the Mercedes-Benz STYLO Fashion Grand Prix award from Datuk Professor Jimmy Choo, the world's most famous and best shoe designer born in Penang

The Minister of Tourism Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen receiving her Lifetime Achievement award

"It is an award long overdue," says Dato Nancy Yeoh

Thank you speech from the Tourism Minister

Stuart Tomlinson of VISA, Roland Folger of Mercedes-Benz, Dato Nancy Yeoh of STYLO, Minister of Tourism and Dato Jimmy Choo

The gentlemen helping the ladies down the steps

Roland Folger and Lai Voon Hon of Aloft hotel

The spouses

Lai Voon Hon


Soren Ravn of Carlsberg, Datuk Jimmy Choo and Minister of Tourism Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen smiling for my Leica

VIP guests on my row

Founder and president of STYLO Dato Nancy Yeoh making her welcome speech

Grand Opening night on 17 March 2013

Dato Nancy Yeoh wore a gown with rubbish bags attached by Bill Keith even though she is worth millions of ringgit

Roland Folger, president and CEO of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia with his welcome speech

The Minister of Tourism Datuk Ser Dr Ng Yen Yen invited on stage for her speech and to launch the event

Front row VIPs

Handsome, sexy hunk with Cassandra Cassim or is that Kassandra Kassim?

Only the rich, famous, young and good looking were allowed to sit on the front rows and may explain why I was relegated to the second row...

The 2 most goodlooking youngsters of the night; Nicholas Tan and Kelly Tan

Gorgeous siblings

Nicholas Tan and Kelly Tan

Nicholas Tan and his sisters June Wong and Kelly Tan

Nicholas Tan, June Wong and Kelly Tan
should be on the catwalk.

Sapto Djojokartik from Indonesia

Eric Delos Santos from Philippines

Make-up demon on stage

Alvin Tay and his muses

Designer Amirluqman caused a sensation when he appeared on the stage to model his own creation on killer heels

Climbing the steps required skill, patience and time

But once on stage, Amirluqman could walk remarkably fast, I mean as fast as 6 inch heels can take you

To our disappointment there was no drama as Amirluqman did not topple off the stage and onto Soren Ravn's lap as I had prayed

Amirluqman modelling with his models wearing his spring/summer collction

Amirluqman made his models wear what looked like baby's pacifier

It should be noted Amirluqman is also from Kelantan, the greatest state in the universe as I am also from Kelantan and so are Zang Toi and Minister of Tourism Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen




Wonder what the Minister of Tourism and Joyce Yap of Pavilion were talking about?
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