This STYLO show was also the launch of F & F in Malaysia so it was an extremely special occasion as we can now find out what the Fashion & Fuss is all about.

Well, Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and I had F & F to ourselves too. My outfit was by Melvin Lam Couture.

Oh what a crowd.
Some Malaysians who fly to London the way we take the LRT may not have heard of F & F as their boutiques are nowhere to be found in Oxford Street, Regent Street, Tottenham Court Road or even the humongous Westfield Mall, the biggest shopping mall in all UK. This is because F & F are sold exclusively in TESCO chain of supermarkets! The only standalone F & F boutique is in Prague but the capital of Czech Republic is rather far from KL. So it is more economical to go to your nearest TESCO and since there are 38 of them, there should be one near you.
Now you can get asparagus and A-line skirts in the same place. F & F are taking on the big boys like Sweden's H & M and Spain's ZARA and MNG. And definitely Primark, said to be one of the world's biggest and cheapest fashion chains. There is a massive Primark store in Oxford Street that is permanently packed and you see Londoners and tourists sitting outside catching their breath and contemplating how to lug the bags and suitcases filled with Primark garments home. I once bought a pair of jeans for L5 (RM 25) and a short-sleeved shirt for L3 (RM 15) which are cheaper than back in KL! And they say London is expensive!
I have yet to visit F & F as I live in Golden Triangle and do my shopping at Suria KLCC and Ampang Park which are nowhere near any TESCO. However I am attracted by a few items so I shall be checking them out anytime now. As it is, I heard the Ts start from RM 25 and the most expensive outfits are seldom more than RM 15o! With prices like these, I presume the textiles are not identical to the ones used by Gucci, Prada or Chanel. But I heard you get some decent stuff even at such rock-bottom prices.
"F & F started 10 years ago as a serious and credible fashion brand in the UK. Now, 1 out of 4 women in UK wear something from F & F!" explained brand manager Andrea Theseira. "We are one of the Top 10 brands in UK as we offer up to the minute designs with good quality at affordable prices."
With a formula like this, how can they fail?
Strangely, no mention was made of the initials and many wondered what CF & F stood for. A naughty friend insisted F & F stood for 'F*ck & Flee' before the enraged husband returned or the arrival of the police. Or F & F could mean "Fun & Fashion' or 'Fabulous & Female' or 'Fine & Flirty'. Actually it stands for 'Fred & Florence' but who this pair are, I have yet to find out. Are they the founder, owner or designing duo? H & M stands for Hennes & Mauritz and MNG is Mango and KFC is Kentucky Fried Chicken but F & F does not trumpet the significance or meaning of their initials. Perhaps they should hold a contest to find the most creative and imaginative meaning of F & F!
Below are what was rolled out on 28 models on the catwalk.

Elaine Daly modelled too, she a former Miss Malaysia and now lawyer---brainy beauty!

The End
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