Designer Jovian Mandagie, Mercedes-Benz's Roland Folger and Antoine Bakache of Mouawad threw off the cage cloth to reveal supermodel Angie Ng carrying the RM 12 million purse dubbed '1,001 Nights Diamond Purse'.

This is what you get for RM 12 million. Perfect for your loose change!

CEO of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Roland Folger and CEO of STYLO International Dato Nancy Yeoh all plumed up!

Kai Schlickum VP of Mercedes-Benz Sales with Dato Nancy Yeoh in Michael Ong. Is he trying to support her?

Me and my two favourite designers from TANGOO, Moses Law and Eric Yeong. I wore TANGOO silver paint splashed suit from TANGOO .

Dato Nancy Yeoh with Iris Tan from The Star.

Angie Ng at left and the big shots from The Star at extreme right

Kee Hua Chee with Lorenzo Peh, Emerging Designer of the Year 2011 winner.

Jayden Gan, first runner-up in 4th Malaysian Footwear Design Competition

Birds of a feather

Businessman K.K Tan and The Star Executive Editor June Wong

See what this magician conjured up!

I must say we looked super-cool

So did this couple! They are young actress and actor.

But Jacob Yeoh is the coolest dude ever!

Jacob Yeoh at extreme left looked like a movie star and well he should as his late and great mum was Puan Sri Rosaline Yeoh of Hong Kong who was a star in every sense of the word!

Harnesh, left, his mother and friend.

Two superstars, top model Wilson Tan and divine writer Kee Hua Chee

Jonathan, right with his uncle

The colourful crowd

Cassandra and Yenti Lou

Sexy threesome

One for the album

Furry pair, Edmund Chia and Yazid Abdul

Moses Law, Iris Tan of The Star and Eric Yeong. The two guys own and design and operate TANGOO, my favorite label.
To me, life is nothing but a show and we all live on stage, in the spotlight and always being commented on, whether we like it or not. So what cannot be cured must be endured! Hence my motto is to act and think like a superstar and market ourselves endlessly. Why be a supporting star when you can hog the limelight? Never play second fiddle unless you are hopelessly inept and if so, hide this sad failing! So many lesser and unworthy mortals have made it to the top and stayed there for donkey's years too! Life is a cabaret, my friend, life is a cabaret!
So with a theme like Moulin Rouge and Burlesque, both hit movies, I fully expected feathers, frills and frivilousness. Plus a mega dose of sequins, laces, petticoats, garters, fishnet stockings and unbridled decadence of the stylish sort. Life is a parody and history repeats itself though I try not to wear the same outfit twice but even I wore Melvin Lam's long embroidered and sequinned coat twice. On two nights running too! I got so many compliments on the first night during the F & F show I decided to repeat the feat the following night at Glass Slipper Gala! Remember, one cannot be too rich or too thin or received too few compliments!
One thing that received countless compliments was non-human; the new Mercedes-Benz CLS63 AMG at the entrance, the first time it was revealed in Malaysia. I wanted to take a photo sprawled on the bonnet but was forbidden.

Now I knew how a top star felt surrounded by my retinue of worshippers!

Engineer Harnesh and Kee Hua Chee

Wilson Tan and his entourage

Me and my fans

Angie, Jayden Gan and Paige

Cassandra and me holding on to the legs.

Lady in red

Ace Tang and Jaime

This living column is supermodel Angie Ng and she was NOT standing on a chair! She is 182 cm and 65kg

Hotpants made a comeback!

Jayden's jacket looked familiar? That was mine from Tangoo!

The cut-out at the back kept me cool
Everything was done in Moulin Rouge colours which are nothing but various shades of red! I felt like I was back in Paris in Pigalle where Moulin Rouge cabaret is located. There were vast vases of real roses topped by ostrich feathers, all of which were shamelessly stolen by departing guests but I think STYLO had already factored in the losses so Dato Nancy Yeoh, founder and CEO of STYLO, should not be filing for bankruptcy as a result of her thieving guests.
The only thing missing? A windmill.
'Moulin Rouge' in French means 'Red Windmill' which explains the world famous spinning red windmill on top of the entrance which has been there since the 19th century.
The show started with Roland Folger, Dato Nancy Yeoh and Bernd Mailander sitting practically on the floor. Remember STYLO is linked to F1 in Sepang and Bernd Mailander was a safety driver. Dato Nancy Yeoh asked why he became one. He replied, "I am still involved in the race and I am still a racer who leads all teh great F1 drivers which feels great! The bad part is that I never get to see the checkered flag!" Oh well, we can't all get what we want all the time...even I suffer from this sad fact of life.
Dato Nancy Yeoh then asked Bernd Mailander to give away the prizes to the top three winners of Mercedes-Benz STYLO Emerging Designers Awards. The theme this year was 'Paper Dress' and second runner-up was Mohd Nizam who wore heavy eye make-up and high heels and must weigh no more than 45kg. I looked like John Wayne next to him. His creation looked like a walking Batak house or Shinto temple in red and black.

A mobile home? Second runner-up Mohd Nizam got as much attention as his creation.
First runner-up was Gerald Chua whose work resembled a portable library, all in white with what seemed like book shelves and pencil holders.

First runner-up Gerald Chua.
The winner Lorenzo Peh won by unanimous decision as not only did he come up with a good design that seemed faintly wearable but he also made the material! He manufactured his own fabric by using newspapers, tissues and toilet rolls the way the ancient Egyptians did! While not papyrus, his fabric was unusual yet practical and durable. Would you believe newspapers can last amazingly long as when the Titanic was discovered in 1985, they also found newspapers circa 1912, the year it sank!

Congratulations Lorenzo Peh!

The winning design is actually wearable too!

The top 2 winners; Lorenzo Peh was Emerging Designer of the Year 2011 and Faisol Abdullah was Designer of the Year 2011

Faisol Abdullah of Jendela KL receiving his award as Designer of the Year 2011.

The victory walk by Lorenzo Peh

The Top 3 Emerging Designers!
By coincidence, Lorenzo Peh gave me a lift home the night before on 'Aladdin's Harem' evening.It must be due to this good deed that Jesus and Buddha blessed him to win First Prize to London to attend London Fashion Week.
Then came the unveiling of the world's most expensive evening bag at US$ 3.8 million (RM 12 million). Made by Mouawad originally for Nicole Kidman to use in the music video for Robbie Williams hit 'Something Stupid'. Some may say this correctly describes the bag! It is a wee but pricey considering so many stars from Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman and Mariah Carey have already used it before so it can be considered 'second hand' but since the hands that handled this bag, named 1,001 Nights Diamond Purse' are some of the world's most famous, it has excellent feng shui. It is 10 years old by the way but it is in the form of a heart and diamonds are forever remember!
Roland Folger and Antoine Bakache of Mouawad Malaysia who is related to Robert Mouawad then pulled the cloth away from a giant bird cage that contained supermodel Angie Ng carrying the precious bag. The bag was later put on display under armed guard.I asked Antoine to hold it for me to photograph but even he balked lest someone snatched it and ran off.

Dato Nancy Yeoh announcing the unveiling of the world's most expensive evening bag

Slowly now...oooh the suspense!

Angie Ng held the purse tight to her bosom

The men seemed stunned by either Angie or the bag as they pondered the next move...

Ok she had to get out of her cage!

Helping hands were needed

Angie and Antoine Bakache of Mouawad Malaysia are finally ready for the catwalk
The new CEO of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia Roland Folger explained how this world famous marque entered the fashion world in 1996 and had never looked back since. "Mercedes-Benz has a natural affinity with fashion as we are also innovators. We celebrated 125 years of excellence this year and we continue to be the automotive leader. Just look at the new CLS63 AMG car parked outside as proof!" he grinned.
The Burlesque show featured the 12 finalists of Ford Models Supermodel of the World Search finalists and started with a spectacular gown replete with mile high feathers by Bill Keith that truly epitomised the essence of high drama, cabaret and burlesque that even Dita Von Teese would approve. The other designers were Edric Ong, Jendela KL, Jovian Mandagie, Khoon Hooi, Melinda Looi, Melvin Lam, Michael Ong, Tangoo and Zang Toi. See below and be dazzled.

The new VP of Sales & Marketing of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, the tall and handsome Kai Schlickum who replaced Florian Muller, presented the next bath of awards. As usual David Lim of KPMG came on stage to deliver the results as Dato Nancy Yeoh announced the winners.
A new award, the Mercedes-Benz STYLO Industry Award went to C. Y Chung of Padini. Carla Sung won Mercedes-Benz STYLO Model of the Year and she deserved it as she had been modeling for many years and had juts given birth 6 months ago and looked at her fab figure! I am sure I would remained a beached whale for a year if I were her. The Mercedes-Benz STYLO Mentor of the Year had to be Cilla Foong who discovered Azura, Ling Tan, Bernie Chan and Michael Ong.

C.Y Choong

Carla Sung

Cilla Foong

Jovian Mandagie
Everyone expected Jovian Mandagie to win Mercedes-Benz STYLO Showcase of the Year and he did. He was the best this year with his presentations. The Mercedes-Benz STYLO Designer of the Year was Faizol Abdullah of jendela KL who is known for understated elegance and clean, simple lines that are kind to a woman's body.
This was followed by the much anticipated show by Ara Jo who is South Korean but based in London. Lady Gaga had worn some of her clothes and she was accompanied by stylist Jerome. I thought last year's designer who also designed for Lady Gaga was more dramatic as Ara's garments seemed semi-S & M but not really there. Judge for yourself.

Ara Jo and stylist Jerome

Ara Jo and her final parade.
Thus ended the first segment as guests went for drinks and meal break for half an hour. The chairs were cleared and those who stayed enjoyed Alexis Saw's cool show which was beautifully conceived and executed so this is a name to watch out for! He was definitely better than Ara! The workmanship and detailings were wonderful as you can see below.

Yes, she could see a bit...

Alexis Saw and his superb creations. A worthy finale for STYLO 2011!
A floorshow followed and as the girls were so sexy I assumed they had to be men as only males could be so feminine and sensual but Dato Nancy Yeoh swore they were real girls! How bizarre...

They were so sexy and sensual so how could they be real women?

Ok so maybe one them was not a real gal?
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