Dishy Ooi Thien Chieh and Mei the beautiful

Ooi Thien Chieh, Kee Hua Chee and the Most Beautiful of Them All---Koon. Koon is a living angel who helped her sister-in-law raise Thien Chieh and his brothers Thien Eu and Thien Te when their father (Koon's brother) passed away. The 3 brothers owe their very existence to Koon and love her dearly as do all of us!

Beautiful bride Mei, gorgeous guest Kee Hua Chee and handsome groom Ooi Thien Chieh. Note Kee's 2 red feathers that dropped from his feathered shirt! He was moulting!

Mei and Kee Hua Chee who wore red as her wedding was an auspicious event!
I don't the groom well and have never met the bride Mei at all but am a great friend of Koon, their aunt. Koon founded Roots, Shoots & Froots and her company has certainly borne fruits as nephew Ooi Thien Chieh now runs Roots Asia in Singapore.
Mei is a Malaysian but works as stewardess with Singapore Airlines and making good old Sing dollars instead of ringgit with MAS.
Of course all my millions of readers need to know how they met to the moment they are now having sex officially for the first time since they are now husband and wife.
This is Mei's version; "We were introduced at a friend's wedding some 5 years ago. Well, love slowly blossomed and we are now married. Our friend at whose wedding we met could not attend our wedding as he is in Hong Kong."
Sounds rather run-of-mill ain't it?
This is Kee Hua Chee's version; Mei met her future husband Ooi Thien Chieh while serving him (as women are meant to do) onboard Singapore Airlines on one of his many business trips from the Lion City to KL.
Mei accidentally poured hot coffee on Thien Chieh's groin, almost scalding his lan chiau. Of course the poor man screamed his tonsils off. Mei apologised profusely and offered to do anything as long as Thien Chieh promised not to complain to Singapore Airlines as she might lose her job. Thien Chieh demanded she pay for the laundry and hand deliver his coffee-stained pants to him in his home.
Luckily he had a spare pair of pants in his carryon bag so he went to the loo, changed and gave the stained pants to Mei. Mei duly washed and went to Thien Chieh's house to deliver the clean and fragranced trousers.
Thien Chieh then insisted on having sex with Mei as the last condition or else he would complain to SIA and Mei would lose her job and her poverty stricken parents and family depending on her earnings would starve to death in Penang or wherever she came from. His pathetic excuse was to prove if his lan chiau was still in working order after being scalded.
So Mei sacrificed her virginity to Thien Chieh who then dumped her.
However, Mei phoned Thien Chieh later and declared she was pregnant with his child. Thien Chieh quickly consulted Kee Hua Chee who concluded the abandoned Mei would probably commit suicide and Thien Chieh would have blood on his hands and how would he explain that to Buddha in the thereafter?
Kee Hua Chee then gave RM 1 million to Ooi Thien Chieh and demanded he should do the honorable thing and marry Mei.
After signing at the marriage registry as husband and wife, Mei's period came back the very next day. Mei was not pregnant after all and it was a false alarm!
Fancy that!
Since Kee Hua Chee had already given the RM 1 million to Thien Chieh in cash, the couple decided they might as well marry since their future is secured.
Both carried on with their careers for the next five years before deciding it was now the best time to tie the knot officially on 29.12.12. They held off the wedding till after 21.12.12 just in case the world ended and it would have been such a waste.
Since 21.12.12 came and went without a squeak or volcanic explosion, they decided it was now time to hold a lavish wedding at Ciao for 300 relatives, friends and business associates.
So you choose which version you prefer---Mei or Kee Hua Chee's!

Thien Chieh and Mei

Mei in BCBG, Kee Hua Chee and Ooi Thien Chieh

Mei and Kee Hua Chee

Teh Eng Huat and Karen Teh

Teh Eng Huat and Karen Teh

Helen Leow and Leow Kim Pu

The youngest of the Ooi brothers, Alex Ooi Thien Te who is still a virgin, hence his white attire to symbolise his lan chiau has never been touched by any hand except his own

Alex Ooi Thien Te and Kee Hua Chee whose fingers could feel Thien Te's growing strength

Kee Hua Chee posing with the groom's clan and friends

Painting your face on your groin is great feng shui as power is concentrated there

Alexander Brooke, Kee Hua Chee and Natasha Brooke from Sydney, Australia

Groom Ooi Thien Chieh and wanna-be best man but was rejected Kee Hua Chee

Thien Chieh, Kee Hua Chee and Koon

Ooi Thien Chieh, Kee Hua Chee and Koon the kindest and most munificent of us all

Terrific 3some

Cutest bridesmaid and groom's man

Darren Lim, 6 does look like Psy of Gangnam Style!

Doris, Koon, Ronnie and Mei

Emcee was Ooi Thien Te the baby brother of Ooi Thien Chieh

The arrival of groom and bride!

Taking their seat

Thien Chieh calling his big brother to take over the mike

Ooi Thien Te then called big brother Ooi Thien Eu to say a few words

Thien Eu looking like Hongkong movie star

Regina Leow and sister Mandy Leow

Regina Leow and Mandy Leow who has a tattoo at the back of her neck by the way, which my mother disapproves

Guests tucking in

Kavea was the first entertainer

Kavea proving she has 5 fingers

Bride and groom looking deliriously happy

Kyra from Singapore was the next singer and she is the cousin of the groom

Back to Kavea who sang in Chinese!

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