Lee Hom in dramatic backward pose

Since I could not meet him, this was the best alternative

Twins separated at birth!

Notice our fingers touching each other!
I flew home from Bangcock, I mean Bangkok on the last Air Asia flight on 2 March just to see his concert. Thanks to Buddha, Jesus, Kuanyin, Virgin Mary, Joe, Datin Lara and Dato Shazalli, I got a seat 4 rows from the stage so I could gasp, gawk and almost grab Lee Hom.
Organised by Galaxy Entertainment and sponsored by Xpax and Myeg, "Lee Hom---Music Man 2" practically filled up the entire Merdeka Stadium but everything flowed like clockwork. Security was tight but I did not feel like I was in a police state. Of course since I had a VVIP ticket, 4 as a matter of fact which made me so immensely popular, entering was a breeze and I was even given a bottle of mineral water.
The storm clouds were ominous all afternoon but Shaun Tan, my photographer, said we VVIPs would be given a raincoat should the heavens open so I did not bring an umbrella as that would block the view of those behind me. The ticket also stipulated no cameras or recording devices as there would be no photography, filming, recording or videotaping of any sort and anyone caught doing so will be immediately ejected from the stadium.
This of course sounds foolish as every single handphone has a camera and to bodycheck and ban all handphones would take 6 hours and where would they put their handphones? Can you imagine over 10,000 handphones being stored by the organisers and stadium owners? Retrieving the handphones after the show would take another 6 hours, provided there was no riot and burning as who would entrust their precious handphones filled with salacious sex texts and secret information to strangers who might spend 2 hours downloading your phone's contents or call their friends in London, Paris and Milan?
True enough, 80% of the audience started taking photos even before Lee Hom appeared on stage, using handphones, cameras and Ipads. I suppose as long as you did not bring a professional camera the size of a suitcase it was OK. I think such rules are silly in the first place as who would buy photos these days when you can drool and wank at thousands of Lee Hom photos on the internet?
This reminds me of my Air Asia flight last night. Like all airlines, each passenger could carry only 1 bag onboard weighing less than 7 kg. I saw and counted at least 75% of passengers had 2 bags and a few even had 3. While waiting in the departure lounge, I heard the announcement being made that each passenger was only allowed 1 hand-carry and anyone carrying more than 1 bag would not be allowed to board the plane. In fact this was repeated twice which amused me no end as the plane would not be able to take off since three-quarters of the passengers would be barred from entering the plane and they would either have to put the extra bag in their checked-in suitcases or pay extra which meant all their suitcases would have to be removed from the cargo section of the plane.
However there was no drama as all passengers trotted to their seats and none of the crew protested over the one-passenger-two-bags scenario. I commented to a passenger who said he believed the announcement was purposely made to frighten the passengers. Well it did not work as no passenger wept, fainted or threw their extra bags into the dustbins since they knew there was safety in numbers!
Midway through Lee Hom's concert, it drizzled lightly and then heavily but we VVIPs were given portable raincoats so we were fine but those in the cheap seats at the back and side had to endure the rain but what to do? Even Lee Hom could not go against the wishes of heaven.
It only proved Lee Hom's stellar attraction as no one left the stadium and preferred to be soaked. Anyway if I paid for the ticket, I would never leave. I wondered if Lee Hom might be electrocuted since electricity and water make for dangerous bedmates but nothing happened. The superstar even stuck out his tongue to taste the rainwater! He looked so sexy and hot with his tongue sticking out erotically that I almost dropped my Leica from excitement and missed taking the photo but I did get one of him digging his nose (looked like it but he was not doing so) and another one of him leaning backwards from ecstasy during his joyride to meet the fans in his organ carriage.
Enough words!
Here are the great photos delivered in 3 parts in chronological order!

Top model Jessmund Phua and Kee Hua Chee

We decided to take our photos before the hordes arrived

Our hair was still perfect as the rain did not come yet

Supermodel Jessmund Phua and super journalist Kee Hua Chee

Lee Hom's logo and initials shaped like a dragon as this is the Year of the Water Dragon---no wonder it rained!

Lee Hom's eyes---mine have double eyelids but his slitty eyes remain super sexy

Lee Hom's opening video was very apocalyptic

Sultry or what


That's him atop the tank

The pyrotechnics were dazzlingly breathtaking

Nuclear winter

Dancing in unison

I love this effect!

I love this blurry effect

Lee Hom riding a mobile cart with a futuristic organ shaped like a double O

While Lee Hom was on his Popemobile, I took some shots of super male model Jessmund Phua

Lee Hom on his organic vehicle

Lee Hom on his carriage being slowly pulled from one end to the other so fans in the cheap seats could also see their idol up close and personal

Lee Hom leaning backwards in ecstasy as he received the rapturous applause

I wanted to compose this photo with Lee Hom inbetween the palm of this clapping hands but just missed!

Jessmund Phua just as the drizzle began...

Audience starting to feel the rain drops

Rain rain go away come again another day....

Time to wear the rain coats provided by Galaxy Entertainment, so thoughtful of them

The show went on uninterrupted
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