Ke Hua Chee and Princess Dr Becky Leogardo looking hotter and sexier than the RM 1.2 million Mercedes-Benz Roadster newly arrived and picked up from Port Klang

3 sizzlers

VIPs; left, Lucy Featherstone, daughter of His Excellency Mr Simon Featherstone, British High Commissioner, Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and Mrs Gail Featherstone, wife of the British High Commissioner

Pat Liew, owner of British India, Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and Puan Sri Sylvia Marican

Hosts with most; Dr Suzanne and Roland Folger, CEO of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia who was paying the bills for all of us except for the bottomless, freeflow of Carlsberg and Kronenbourg which was sponsored by Soren Ravn, MD of Carlsberg Malaysia

Kee Hua Chee, Pat Liew of BritishIndia , Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and Puan Sri Sylvia Marican

The winners! From left, Ho Kay Tat, CEO and MD of Star Publications the Media Presenter of the night, Dato Nancy Yeoh, founder and president of Stylo, Roland Folger of Mercedes-Benz, Bill Keith won Designer of the Year 2012 again as he did last year, Hanif Naim won Emerging Designer of the Year 2012 and Dato Jimmy Choo who won nothing but applause. At extreme right is Bernd Maylander, the F1 safety car driver.
With a name like 'British India' and the garments being made in India, everyone expected the usual Indian dancers clad in sarees and cheesecloth fabrics seen on a billion Indian bodies. Well, we had these plus 3 blue goddesses, 3 Wild Wild West dancers, bicycle riders and enough maharajas and maharanis and turbans to satisfy even Dato Samy Velu and the entire MIC.
Even the catwalk which was the floor enjoyed same treatment as it was decorated with blue and white floral prints reflected in the blue and white ensemble of the 3 goddess dancers! Ditto for the steps to the stage.
However Pat Liew stuck to her normal gear and refused to dress as a Maharani or saree or even a British colonial plantation wife. She wore a nice purplish gown which faintly matched my spectacular magenta feather outfit that bowled everyone over and stole the show as per usual so nothing new in that.
The show was so breathtaking and visually satisfying everyone wondered who was the choreographer as there should be an award for 'Choreographer of the Year' but it turned out to be Pat Liew and Alex Lim from BritishIndia so no need to award them anything more as the standing ovation was enough.
The music was fabulous as it was reworked, upbeat version of old favourites so even if you did not know the names of the songs and music, you have heard them before and loved them and now you are reliving old happy memories as the models biked, walked, sashayed and swanned with the music.
The selection of the models was top class as it was headed by Wilson Tan, Malaysia's male supermodel was was later crowned Mercedes-Benz Stylo Male Model of the Year 2012/13 and he also made history as the first male to win this coveted title as previously only females were given the title.
I of course protested against this sexist, shameless discrimination and threatened to take Stylo to the World Court for sexual discrimination against men who as we all know are the superior race since Eve was made from a rib taken from Adam's rib cage so women have to be subservient to men since they were made from a remnant from us.
Speaking of the feminine species, the Female Model of the Year 2012 went to Qiang Hui who is as tall as a flagpole while the Industry Achievement Award was presented to Tan Sri Datuk Seri Dr Professor Lim Kok Wing of Limkokwing University which was received on his behalf by his beautiful and sexy daughter Dato Tiffanee Lim as the winner was unable to attend in person. Last year the Stylo committee did not find anyone worthy of the title and so there was no award. Well, they should have given it to Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing last year as it gave the impression Tan Sri must have done something worthy this year so to speak. They did not consult me which is the problem.
So this year Stylo caved in and agreed there should be 2 winners, one male and one female. However, I just received emails from tranvestites and transgenders who also insist on an award 'Pondan of the Year' but I have enough on my plate so am leaving this to Stylo to sort out next year.
Even more astonishing; many men actually followed the dress code and arrived in Black Tie! I never saw so many well dressed men in tuxedos and bow ties and looking like penguins, I mean like highclass lords and tycoons. Even those who did not wear Black Tie came in dark business suits which was good enough in these egalitarian days when even the lousily dressed are allowed to sneak in and sit in the cheap seats at the back.
Bill Keith and Hanif Naim from SML Fashion Academy will be going to Mexico City for the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Mexico.

Hot stuff; Kee Hua Chee, Pat Liew, Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and Puan Sri Sylvia Othman Marican

Sharyn Wong, country brand manager of Clinique, one of the world's best skincare brands, Roland Folger, boss of Mercedes-Benz, Kai Schlickum of Mercedes-Benz sales, Winnie Loo of A Cut Above which is official hair stylist for Stylo and Pat Liew, owner of BritishIndia

Roland Folger and Dato Nancy Yeoh. Notice the Indian inspired blue and white floral patterns on the floor that served as catwalk.

Kee Hua Chee and friends

I must confess I look the most beautiful and so young looking and without a shred of make-up---this is due to Buddha and Jesus's personal intercession of course

The rich and beautiful and talented; Tan Sri Othman and Puan Sri Sylvia Marican, Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and Yang Berusaha Encik Kee Hua Chee, Sri Kelantan

Feathered beauties

In case you missed the flames on my pants

Datin Sue and Dato Shamsul Falak

My dear friend Amy Chong, ex-Cartier (second from right) with friends. Amy Chong was Miss Malaysia International 1974 when she was Amy Theresa Sibert. Don't be rude and exclaim you cannot believe it! It's true though she has out on a few kilos but who hasn't since 1976?

Here is another former Miss Malaysia, Cynthia Rodriguez who was Miss Malaysia Asia Pacific 1982

The Indian royal contingent

Doreen and her maharaja

Roland Folger, Dato Nancy Yeoh, Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and Puan Sri Sylvia Othman Marican

Models Amin and Seth in the toilet as you can see the urinals. Taken before the fashion show as all the models had to pee and unload their urinal tracts as to catwalk with a full bladder is something to watch

Amin and Seth looking cool and comfy in their BritishIndia polos and half-pants

Releasing tension but why did they have to stand next to each other unless they wanted to compare sizes? So I had no choice but to take a closer look

Ooops, missed

Amin blocked his tricky dicky with his fingies

Seth was cool about it but Amin fled to the cubicle and locked the door firmly to continue peeing though he stained his BritishIndia shorts in the process so I hope his pants will be discounted half priced as the new owner has too wash it unless he is kinky and likes to smell it

Hunk Wilson Tan looking like a supermodel of the year though at this time he did not know he would win Stylo's inaugural Male Model of the Year award

The BritishIndia set-up for the after-party

Cool and classy

Shankar and wife Dato Rebecca Sta Maria

Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and June Wong of The Star. a media partner of Mercedes-Benz Stylo and Media Presenter of The Vision of BritishIndia

Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and June Wong both looking ravishing

Very Important and Gorgeous couple; Dr Suzanne and Roland Folger. He is CEO and Managing Director of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia

Dato Nancy Yeoh made a moving and intensely personal speech about her uterine cancer operation which stunned the audience for her honesty and courage. She was operated at Prince Court Hospital on 29 February and that was barely 3 weeks ago.

Jovian Mandagie being congratulated by his sponsors and financiers Tan Sri Othman and Puan Sri Othman Marican after winning for the second year in a row the Best Fashion Showcase of the Year. He won the same award last year so it was de ja vu for him and me

Winners! Right; Hanif Naim won Mercedes-Benz Stylo Emerging Designer of the Year 2012 and Bill Keith won Mercedes-Benz Stylo Designer of the Year 2012 which he won in 2011 so it was devaju for him and me watching the show last year and the this year.

The sponsors and winners. The handsome young man at right is Bernd Maylander, the F1 safety car driver

Pat Liew, owner of BritishIndia which makes her worth RM 100 million
The End
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