Little chefs having an a-mazing time in Shangri-La's famous maze

One for the album
In morning, I went to Shangri-La, Malaysia's best hotel, for 'Little Chefs Meet Big Chef' event. I said 'chef' not 'chief' so it was not a Red Indian do OK.
For 28 years, Shangri-La has hosted Father's Day by inviting little children from 5 to 15 to cook for their darling daddies.
Of course this being Shangri-La and owner Tan Sri Robert Kwok expected to make money, each child had to pay RM 150 to cook for Daddy while Dad and Mum had to dole out RM 150 each for a slap-up meal at Lafite, KL's finest fine dining restaurant.
The main courses were actually cooked by Chef Rudolf Kunkel and his team and not by the tiny tots so everyone enjoyed a feast of the first calibre and not some masak-masak makan dished out by kids.

Serena Luo was the tallest and she is only 11

Entering Shangri-La's kitchens and this was my first time too!

Looks like an operating table and a heart transplant was going on!

Entering the Freezer Room

Brrrrr...cold and we had to count the children as we did not want to leave any behind to become a frozen popsicle

Luo Yong Wen and friends start cooking

Luo Yong Wen listened intently to instructions

All chefs have to try and taste their own creations!

Alessandro Ambra was the youngest at 5

Photo at entrance of Shangri-La Ballroom where a wedding rehearsal was going on

I love this cheeky kid, reminds me of me

Chef Rudolf Kunkel holding the hand of the youngest chef 5 year old Alessandro Ambra for photo shoot in garden maze


Fooling around as children and most adults do

This kiddo is irrepressible, reminds me of me!

In Lafite's kitchen to make the dessert for Dad!

Luo Yong Wen at work

I can see 'Happy Father's Day

But he was not happy so he rubbed off and tried again

Serena Luo at work

Serena Luo is only 11 and taller than her mom Dato Flora Ong!

Serena Luo and Luo Yong Wen

Big Chef and Little Chefs in Lafite, the best restaurant in Malaysia

Dato Rosemarie Wee at right was emcee

Luo Yong Wen and Serena Luo handing chocolate cakes to Dad Luo Qi
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