Kee Hua Chee and Peter Davis will fight at a later date

But now they hug first


Peter Davis looking handsome as ever

Lookee at his muscles!

The Ministry did warn us about men wearing V-neck t-shirts
On Saturday 15 June at Stadium Negara he fought Ariel 'Tarzan' Sexton from Costa Rica who thrashed him so badly the referee stopped the fight in less than 5 minutes!
Of course everyone crowded around handsome Peter Davis who still looked gorgeous. When I arrived, he was surrounded by a few groupies so I elbowed them aside by saying Peter was already married so they should not waste their time. As for the a few flaming faggots hanging around with tongues hanging out and salivating at Peter's muscles and torso, I told them Peter is not even bisexual as expected from a male model so I shooed them away. I always ended up protecting Peter Davis from scheming she-wolves and flamming faggots!
Anyway, I told Peter Davis in my usual discreet and diplomatic style so as not to hurt his feelings or embarrass him, "You really let Malaysia down and I am so ashamed of you for losing to Tarzan. You failed to make use of your height, longer arm reach and strategies! Maybe you should consider migrating."
Instead of beating me to a pulp, Peter sighed, "You know, I have beaten many others and one guy I beat in 55 seconds.
"Ariel 'Tarzan' Sexton is a professional ju-jitsu and does nothing but train as this is his career while I started bit late as I am 31.
"To last nearly 5 minutes in the ring with Tarzan is considered very good! He will finish you off in 5 seconds. It is people like you who don't understand just how advanced Tarzan's tactics are and I made the best of it except he was the better fighter."
After the fight Peter Davis went to see a doctor. "I had to check my eyes and see if they were still there. I suffered a ruptured ear drum so I am under medication and recuperating a bit but I am OK.
"I would rather fight someone as great as Ariel Sexton than with someone not on par with me. I prefer to be defeated by a great fighter than win over an inferior fighter!"
I challenged Peter Davis to a private, no-holds barred MMA match,
He grinned, "I will really f**k you!"
He will too as not for nothing is he nicknamed 'The Pistol'! You know all these Eurasian kids are supposed to have big, thick, long ones which shoots plenty of stuff like, er, a pistol.
So we parted on the best of terms. However Peter Davis refused to pay me RM 50 which I lost as I bet on him to win!

Serena C checks Peter Davis's face for damages

Even girls wanna have a go with Peter Davis---shameless

Former Miss Malaysia and lawyer Elaine Daly commiserates with Peter Davis but a snooze is in order

Now it is the turn of Peter Davis to catch 40 winks

Finally both manage to keep their peepers opened!

Debbie, Serena C, Elaine Daly and Peter Davis

The ladies just wanna wrestle with him and I bet with ulterior motives as their baju are torn off

Pretty boys Peter Davis and Jeffrey Cheng

Peter Davis and Jeffrey Cheng
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