The world famous 'Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci may contain not 1 bit 2 self-portraits.
And why nor, I ask you?
After all, Leonardo da Vinci, like all you thousands of my readers, followers and devotees, have never met any of the 12 Apostles and God only knows how they look like!
So Leonardo da Vinci might have well have painted his own face to represent one or two or more of the Apostles. I would do the same as no photograph exists of Jesus Christ anyway and we only assume Jesus is tall, handsome, kind-faced and long-haired. I have never seen a portrait or painting or any depiction of Jesus Christ with a crew cut hairdo or balding!
So any drawing of Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit and the 12 Apostles are manmade using accepted notions and perceptions of how a religious figure should look like.
It would be sacrilegious if Jesus Christ or St Paul is shown as buck tooth, fat, squat, pimply, pock-marked, bulbous nosed or slitty eyed. Oh I take the last one back as most Chinks are slitty eyed and there is nothing wrong with that! Of course being a highborn and nighclass Chink, I have double eyelids like Caucasians.
Anyway the point of the matter is that if I were Leonardo da Vinci painting 'The Last Supper' I would paint half of the 12 Apostles as self-portraits and the remaining 6 portraits of my best friends! I would not be so arrogant to paint my own face as Jesus Christ's but maybe just a shade of likeness!
I fully support this theory of Da Vinci coding his painting with 2 self-portraits as I bet this would have amused the great man tremendously!
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Ross King says the nose, beards and
hairstyles of two of the apostles standing to the right of Jesus in the
portrait, Thomas and James the Lesser, match a portrait of Leonardo that was
made several years after he created his masterpiece.
King told the Independent
that while historians have long-suspected Leonardo placed images of himself
in his works, no one has thoroughly researched "The Last Supper"
for such evidence.
The 15-x-29-foot painting has been the
source of endless speculation, though most of the analysis has focused on
hidden meanings within the painting itself, such as how each of the apostles
is reacting to the revelation that one of them has betrayed Jesus.
Still, King concedes that there is no
definitive record of Leonardo's physical appearance but says the Greek
physical characteristics were "rarities for an Italian man of that
period," according to UPI.
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The institution of the Lord's Supper is recorded in the three Synoptic Gospels and in Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians. The words of institution differ slightly in each account, reflecting a Marcan tradition (upon which Matthew is based) and a Pauline tradition (upon which Luke is based). In addition, Luke 22:19b-20 is a disputed text, which does not appear in some of the early manuscripts of Luke. Some scholars therefore believe that it is an interpolation, while others have argued that it is original.
Combo ticket to visit Leonardo da Vinci's Cenacolo and book Guide of Milan. Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, the Cenacolo (in Italian, Cenacolo Vinciano), is located in the refectory of the 15th century Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie.
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