Edward Mantz, Michael Mantz holding Raphael, Daniel Mantz, Gloria Mantz and Princess Dr Becky Leogardo

Michael Mantz making birthday speech

The birthday cake is rolled out

Daniel Mantz was the boss

The Mantz Clan; Edward Mantz, Michael Mantz, Daniel Mantz, Princess Dr Becky Leogardo, Gloria Mantz and Raphael Mantz and their nannies

One for the album

Michael and Daniel Mantz

Michael Mantz and Raphael Mantz

Edward Mantz and his father Michael Mantz

Darling Gloria and her big brother Edward Mantz. Same father, different mother

Raphael Mantz holding his baby brother Raphael Mantz

Dato Flora Ong and Luo Qi

Bernadine and Edward Mantz with damaged leg. He swore it was not due to any kinky sex games with Bernadine so it could not have been anything interesting. I was right---he hurt his foot playing football! Not even from bed-minton!
Princess Dr Becky Leogardo hosted the birthday party with 20 guests. As she was footing the bill, Michael Mantz wisely left everything to her and just turned up to collect his birthday presents. My birthday present was the best of course, consisting of a Tiffany solid silver bookmark and SASET quill pen set.
Following the Islamic tradition, men were seated at one table while the women were at another table. For some unfathomable reason, I was seated at the women's table and Mrs Glenn Amir was booted into the men's table! But stranger things have been known to happen so I just sat next to Dato Tracy Ong the jeweller and owner of Elegance Club Bangsar Shopping Centre and ate and drank.
Dato Tracy Ong sponsored 5 bottles of wine at RM 1,000 per bottle so that was RM 5,000 worth of liquid refreshments. The splendid 10 course dinner was selected by Princess Dr Becky Leogardo while the cake was sponsored by Mandarin Oriental since Princess Becky spends thousands per month at this 5-star hotel.
The only male with no partner was tycoon entrepreneur Tan Sri Dr Jason Tan who arrived without Puan Sri Pernille as she was in Singapore since their daughter works in the island republic.
Princess Dr Becky Leogardo as usual spent time and money buying presents for the guests and everyone received a bathroom set of body, hand and face towels. Of course 1 present was not enough and there was simple game to win more expensive presents.
Each lady and man had to write on a piece of paper the colour of the spouse's underwear! Luckily I saw my date Dato Tracy Ong's bra strap under her gauzy blouse so I wrote 'Black bra and panties' as she is quite conservative and would not be wearing shocking pink bra. So I won a Bvlgari perfume for men set worth RM 300.
Earlier I was telling everyone the only guest who wore the proper colour was Dato Flora Ong who wore red, the correct colour for a birthday! A few wore black and had to blush when I scolded them Michael Mantz was still alive and we were not attending his funeral.
Someone attacked me by saying I was in miilitary fatigues with black and silver embellishments and sequins by Eric Choong and even my fur boots were brown and white. So I had to unzip my pants to show my red underwear. So Dato Tracy Ong wrote 'Red underwear' and won a Prada perfume set worth RM 320 which she gave me.
The bath set is worth around RM 150 since it was imported from Italy so with my Bvlgari and Prada fragrances worth RM 620, my total haul was RM 770 which was good as my birthday presents were worth RM 550 so I made a net profit of RM 120. And more actually as I drank half the bottle of Chateau Lafite which would be RM 500 plus the dinner was RM 230 per person so if I count these, my net profit would be RM 850!
Now that is what I call a lucrative night out and usually only possible at parties hosted by Princess Dr Becky Leogardo!
Then came the lucky draws of which I did not win any of the 6 fab prizes! So I cursed the winners with stomach cramps all night long unless they gave me the prizes. None of them did and none appeared frightened either! So I hope they have recovered from their toilet trips by now.
I hate it when I don't win lucky draws, just in case you did not notice.
Then came the opening of Michael Mantz's birthday presents so everyone could see what everyone gave and had their photos duly taken as a reward.
Michael made the usual Thank You speech and the birthday cake was brought out and candled duly blown.
By then the peasants below at KLCC had gathered to watch the free concert and fireworks as Malaysia turned 55!

Tan Sri Othman Marican, Puan Sri Sylvia Marican, Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and Datuk Tracy Ong

Tan Sri and Puan Sri Othman Marican

Mrs and Mr Glen Amir

Tan Sri and Puan Sri Othman and Sylvia Marican, Princess Dr Becky Leogardo and Datuk Tracy Ong of Elegance Club

Bernadine and Edward Mantz but they are not yet married

Dato Flora Ong, Luo Qi, Michael Mantz, Bernadine and Edward Mantz

Daniel Matz as One-Eyed Jack

Gloria about to call it a day

Daniel Matz devouring a sausage

So cute, this Raphael Mantz and his big brother is so sexy

Gloria Mantz is destined to marry into European royalty and become Queen of either Netherlands, United Kingdom or Monaco. This was revealed to me by Jesus Christ.

Datuk Tracy Ong, Princess Dr Becky Leogardo, Puan Sri Sylvia Marican and Dato Flora Ong

Bernadine from Holland

Dato Flora Ong had the sexiest cleavage of the night

The beautiful Dato Flora Ong

Bernadine, Lillian Tan and Zeny Ladores

They still have not changed their names

Kee Hua Chee in Eric Choong and Datuk Tracy Ong

Kee Hua Chee the fabulous and flamboyant freelancer with exotic bling and Datuk Tracy Ong with yellow diamond earrings worth RM 1.8 million and 2 diamond rings worth RM 1.1 million so my date was the richest

Another look at Dato Flora Ong's cleavage!

Tan Sri Datuk Sri Dr Jason Goh came to greet the ladies

1 Princess, 1 Tan Sri and 1 Puan Sri, all not related to each other

Tan Sri Jason Goh with Tan Sri Othman Marican and the Amirs

Michael Mantz, Kimberley Yang and Yang Sow Wei

Hermes presents from Princess Dr Becky Leogardo

It is a green tie

Yet another gift!

Daniel insisted on looking away

Happy Mantz family

Dato Flora Ong and Luo Qi gave a vintage bottle of fine wine

Lillian and Errol Tan and their gift

Tan Sri Jason Goh's gift was a rare bottle of cognac

Michael Mantz phones to check the value of Kimberly and Yang Sow Wei's gift

It was suitably expensive too so Michael is all smiles

Hermes towel from Tan Sri and Puan Sri Othman Marican

Edward Mantz gave a book

Such gay behaviour

Edward and Michael Mantz, Zeny and Albert Ladores

Nice bottle of champagne

Tennis balls from Glenn as he is Michael's tennis partner

Balls galore

Birthday speech

The Mantz family

So erotic, I also like people to put thick things inside my hungry mouth

Edward checks his door gift

Kee Hua Chee holding his Tiffany bookmark and SASET quill pen set

Kee Hua Chee in Eric Choong

Sharing a joke, Datuk Tracy Ong really towers over Princess Becky

Michael Mantz, Daniel Mantz and Dato Flora Ong

Winsome 3some

Kimberly Yang and Puan Sri Sylvia Marican

Shiloh and Raphael were gainfully occupied

Shiloh and Raphael

Million dollar baby

At the men's table

The men's table

The Ladies' Table

Shiloh Marican and mum Puan Sri Sylvia Marican

Like daughter, like mother

So cute these two

Shiloh decides to call ita night

Nice phone

By a happy coincidence, Dato Wan Zakariah Muda at a nearby table was also celebrating his birthday! I heard his family singing 'Happy Birthday' so I hightailed to wish him Happy Birthday too.

Dato Wan Zakariah Muda from Trengganu, Kee Hua Chee and his son

Terror 3some

Kee Hua Chee with Dato Wan Zakariah Muda's family

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